What's new in Reserves 16.4 (Reconciliation and Decline)

Release 16.4 Update 5 (version 16.4.5)

Reconciliation 'soft delete'

Deletions are now 'soft deletes' which means that the reconciliation is removed from the application but the data remain present in the tenant database. This avoids the problem of 'hard' deletes which lock database tables and can prevent users from using the Reserves application. IPS Administrators should configure a cleanup scheduler to remove redundant data at times when users will not be inconvenienced. This is done using the configuration settings in IPS Manager. Note that cleanup is disabled by default. The cleanup process may require an additional database storage allocation to operate.

See Delete a reconciliation.

Node Type filtering for Reserves Reports in Dataflow Reporting

Node Type filtering has been added, see Report properties.

Release 16.4 (version 16.4.0)

Reserves Configuration workspace

Reserves now has its own workspace for configuration of Decline and Reconciliation.

Well Properties configuration

New functionality in Decline to be able to configure Well Properties.

Unlock documents functions

New functions to unlock documents (Reconciliations, Wells) in bulk.

OData API endpoint for Decline data

Decline data are now exposed via an OData API endpoint so that users can integrate their well data directly into external systems for further analytics or functional integration.

Deletion of Reconciliation documents

Users can now delete Reconciliation documents and Reconciliation configuration items. Access to this function is granted by a new security Role 'Reconciliations - Delete'.

New security roles for Decline provide granular control over user actions

Granular control in Decline over which actions users are able to perform: all bulk actions now have a specific security role to control which users can perform them. There are new security roles as follows: 'Auto-forecast', 'Bulk Delete', 'Apply and Remove Revision Tags', 'Manage Load from Database Templates', 'Execute Load from Database Templates, 'Load Historical Data', 'Load Forecast Data', 'Update Wells and Well Groups', 'Delete Wells and Well Groups'.

Improved Audit log for Decline

All Decline bulk actions are now tracked in the Audit log.